Psychosocial Covid-19 toolkit for refugee children
Toolkit for Save the Children Deutschland e. V.
Many children with refugee backgrounds have to spend the Corona pandemic in big camps with lots of people and limited space. Their families often face manifold levels of deprivation and psychosocial stress. During the pandemic the situation of many people became even more stressful. Refugee children have to navigate their anxieties and worries in a foreign culture – often while coping with many other difficult experiences.
Save the Children Deutschland decided to develop a toolkit with psychosocial and empowering activities for children aged 6 to 12 years. It consists of a workbook and different art materials. The workbook is translated into seven different languages and can be downloaded on
My work included:
- User Research workshops with children in refugee shelters
- Concept and content design of the toolkit and its items
- Creation of a printed workbook with psychosocial activities
- Child-friendly texts
- Graphic design and illustrations
- Content, text and design of the Website